Transliteration Using Google Transliteration

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Do you ever writing in systematic way? Mhh, i mean, writing in special font, like an arabic, greek, chinese, hindi, persian, etc. Or the simplest way to say it is, do you ever doing a transliteration?
Do you know what is "Transliteration in" the first place? Transliteration is the practice of converting a text from one writing system into another in a systematic way. Transliteration is a mapping from one system of writing into another, word by word, or ideally letter by letter. Transliteration attempts to use a one-to-one correspondence and be exact, so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of unknown transliterated words.
Okay enough with definition things.

The good news is, now you don't have to know or understand those language to use them in writing. Our beloved Google has facilitated us with another new invention. That's it, the Google Transliteration. To start using it, just open the project homepage at . Done? Now just use it. Choose you desire transliteration language first at the left panel. After that, start to type anything in the input panel, and after you press "SPACE" on your keyboard, your type will automatically change into choosen transliteration language. For example, i will write "Hello World , How Do You Do Today? " in Russian.

See? The words you type automatically change. Now i will try to write in Arabic.

Wow, amazing ! It transliterated in the proper way (note that arabic writing start from the right).
This project has been in "out of labs" status, means that this project can be used by everyone. Another good news is, you don't have to open Google Transliteration homepage everytime you wanna use this. Transliteration is available in Blogger, Gmail, Knol, Orkut and as a bookmarklet. You can also enable it on your website using the transliteration API.

Within this post, i will tell you how to enable it in blogger. Just click on this link. After that, sign in into your blogger account, and it would be enabled on your blog post editor automatically. You will then directed to New Post page, and see at the most right panel. Yes, the transliteration button is there
look at the red circle, it is the transliteration button.

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